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Shop AmazonSmile and Support SMSF!

Your Shopping Matters!

Do you shop through Amazon? Did you know that by shopping through Amazon you could actually support SMSF and our district? Through their AmazonSmile program, Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase to SMSF.

The process to set up SMSF as your charity of choice is very easy. All you need to do is:
1. Visit (not and log in using the same credentials you use to shop through Amazon's regular site. 
2. From there, you will search for the San Marino Schools Foundation in the search bar. Select SMSF as your charity of choice and you are all set. 

To check and see if you have SMSF already set up as the charity to support, all you need to do is:
1. Visit
2. In the upper-right hand corner it will state which charity you support. If you want to change the charity listed to SMSF, click on the name and a pop-up window will appear, which will give you the option to change the charity.

Your support can go further while you shop! Thank you for your support and consideration.

您在亞馬遜的網站上購物嗎? 您是否知道可以通過在亞馬遜購物來支持SMSF和我們的學區? 通過其AmazonSmile計劃,亞馬遜會將您購物金額的一部分捐贈給SMSF。

將SMSF設置為您的慈善機構非常簡單。 您只需要做的是:
2.從那裡,您將在搜索欄中搜索“San Marino Schools Foundation”。 選擇SMSF作為您的慈善機構,就一切準備就緒。


享受購物的同時,還能提供捐款! 感謝您考慮通過這樣的方式來支持SMSF。

Sponsor-Ambassador Business Partners

  • WHH Foundation
    WHH Foundation
  • Chinese School of San Marino
    Chinese School of San Marino
  • Brent Chang - Chang Group
  • California American Water
    California American Water
  • Hoglin
  • Tiago
  • ArcadiaDentalDesigns
  • San Marino Security
  • Grace Chang
  • Linden Optometry
  • KelvinChang_ColdwellBanker_Dynasty
  • Old Mill