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We Have Raised $49,000 So Far!

So far, we have raised over $49,000 and are 43% to reaching our goal of $115,000! This is so exciting!

Thank you to everyone who has donated and helped raise awareness so far. Your generosity is contagious and empowers others.

If you haven’t supported our #GivingTuesday Give to Thank Our Teachers Campaign so far, that is okay; there is still time. See below for how you can help SMSF today.

There are many ways to participate and support SMSF during today’s #GivingTuesday:

  1. Visit our #GivingTuesday specific website and give, follow progress, and even create your own fundraising team. If you are interested in creating your own fundraising team, please reach out to Sara Langley, Development Coordinator, who will email you an invitation with instructions.
  2. Give through our Facebook campaign page. When giving through Facebook, there are NO transaction fees. This means 100% of your donation goes back to SMSF and our teachers.
  3. Rally your friends and family to give to SMSF. You have a story to tell, and a reason why supporting SMSF is important to you and your family – share that with your friends and family and encourage them to give as well!
  4. Donate through other means. If visiting our #GivingTuesday page or giving through our Facebook campaign page isn’t an option for you, that is okay! You may also give to our #GivingTuesday Give to Thank Our Teachers Campaign by dropping off a check to our SMSF office located at 1665 West Drive, donating through our main SMSF website, or calling our office at 626-299-7014 and donating over the phone.

Whichever way you decide to support SMSF during today’s #GivingTuesday – thank you. Your participation and support positively impact the lives of our students, teachers, families, and community members.

Sponsor-Ambassador Business Partners

  • WHH Foundation
    WHH Foundation
  • Chinese School of San Marino
    Chinese School of San Marino
  • Brent Chang - Chang Group
  • California American Water
    California American Water
  • Hoglin
  • Tiago
  • ArcadiaDentalDesigns
  • San Marino Security
  • Grace Chang
  • Linden Optometry
  • KelvinChang_ColdwellBanker_Dynasty
  • Old Mill