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Business Partners Empowering Excellence

Business Partners Empowering Excellence

Since 1980, the San Marino Schools Foundation has partnered with businesses to support reduced class sizes and expanded educational opportunities for students in the San Marino Unified School District. We appreciate the support and generosity of local businesses and realtors and their understanding that a strong educational system is the foundation of a thriving community, healthy economy and strong housing prices.

The Business Partners Empowering Excellence! Campaign is a unique branding opportunity for businesses and is the only street light banner campaign of its kind in this area. As a partner, your company will receive over 1,400 hours of brand exposure along Huntington Drive, one of the busiest thoroughfares in the San Gabriel Valley traveled by 30,000 cars per day.

Sponsor-Ambassador Business Partners

  • WHH Foundation
    WHH Foundation
  • Chinese School of San Marino
    Chinese School of San Marino
  • California American Water
    California American Water
  • Hoglin
  • Tiago
  • ArcadiaDentalDesigns
  • San Marino Security
  • Grace Chang
  • Linden Optometry
  • KelvinChang_ColdwellBanker_Dynasty